Self-Care: You Have My Permission.

Self-care is one foundation of a satisfying, healthy and bliss-filled life.
When you choose to you take care of yourself, you then have the energy to wholeheartedly nurture your relationships and career. Self-care comes in many different shapes and forms– from physical to emotional. Some self-care
measures may seem like luxuries, but they are actually essential for your health and well-being.
When you recognize and honor your needs, your energy becomes boundless and your potential is limitless. Check out the -Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN)- inspired list of Self-Care tips, below. Then ask yourself, what does self-care mean to me and what do I need- to feel healthy, whole and balanced?
1.) Take ONE step at a time. Yes, take a step, then another, then another. Baby step is you must, even crawl- but always, always move forward. Take your time and be patient- but always move forward.
2.) Schedule Primary Food activities. Primary Foods, what're those?! Check out My Approach to enlighten yourself. (Hint: Look near the bottom left-hand corner!)
3.) Eat healthy foods. This may seem like a "duh" tip, but we all need a reminder! My definition of a healthy food is: Any food that grows on/in trees, plants, and nature. Healthy foods are made on a plant, not in a "plant". Get it? Try your best to eat more whole, raw, and organic fruits, vegetables, and superfoods. Don't be afraid to try something new!
4.) Use a Health Coach for support. That's me! Contact Me to get started. Read more about Health Coaching- here,
5.) Take breaks. Breaks are good. Breaks are healthy. You deserve a break! Breaks can come in many forms, and you are the one who knows what type of break you need.
6.) Move you body. Moving your body can be as simple as: taking "standing breaks" at your sit down job, walking or biking to work, to a friends', or to other destinations, taking the stairs instead, exercising during your work break, parking farther away in a parking lot, or even stretching before bed.
7.) Breathe frequently. Yes, that seems obvious, but how often do you pay attention to your breathing? Is it short, and "chesty"? Make sure you are breathing deeply and through your diaphram. Diaphragmatic breathing (belly breathing), helps relieve stress, massages your internal organs, increases oxygen to all cells in your body, strengthens lungs, reduces negative emotions, and so much more.
8.) Don't compare yourself. Seriously, stop it! You are you, for good reason, and there will never be another you. You are beautiful. You are handsome. You are an overcomer. You are fearfully and wonderfully made. You can do this! Isn't it amazing that the God of the universe, thought the world needed one of you? Only you can do the things you do, the way you do them. Remember, often the "grass is greener on the other side"...because it's fake. Thinking the "grass is greener on the other side" may also be a reminder to water your own grass. Please stop comparing yourself.
9.) Spend time with supportive people. The people you spend your time with can either "make you" or "break you". Your time is an incredibly precious gift- choose wisely who you spend it with. The more support, encouragement and positivity you surround yourself with- the better and more positive you'll be.
10.) Make yourself a priority. Yes, you! It's okay to take some time for you. I am giving you full permission- to say no when you want to say no, to pamper yourself, to take a nap, to say yes when you want to say yes, to take a walk, to get fresh air, to go to sleep early, to travel, to set boundaries, to watch the sunset, to get yourself a gift, to try out a new hairstyle, to pamper yourself, to make your favorite meal/snack, to be kind to your body, to take a relaxing bath, to try something new. Taking charge of your health and recognizing your goals, are other great ways to make yourself a priority. You have my permission, go ahead!