Ditch The Dairy! Try: Homemade Cashew Milk.
After being thoroughly frustrated with all the sugar, additives & free glutamates (sneaky forms of MSG), in brand name Nut Milks- I thought I'd make my own. I do not consume (or use) any animal milks. This homemade Cashew Milk is SO incredibly easy to make, and is super fun to experiment with. Not to mention- it's very creamy, delicious, nutritious, filling, and refreshing!
Cashew milk is full of nutrients like; magnesium, phosphorous, iron, potassium, and zinc. The fat in cashews is mostly unsaturated, and they are also a good source of protein!
To make this, you'll need: 1 cup raw cashews (not roasted or salted!!), left to sit in water- anywhere from 3 hours-overnight. Once water soaking is complete; rinse soaked cashews under fresh water until water runs clear. Then, add cashews and fresh water to your blender, and blend away! (Tip: If you're using 1 cup cashews, blend with about 2-3 cups water. Straining is optional and usually not required- since cashews mix very well in high-speed blenders.)

Have fun experimenting! Cashew milk is delicious on its own (usually how I drink and use it), but I've also experimented with raw cacao powder, nutmeg, and honey. I've read about others using cinnamon, and vanilla to add flavor.
This has been such a "win" for me, and I'm hoping it helps some of you just as much. I may try making cashew milk yogurt, cheese, and ice cream in the near future. There is SO much one can do with a healthy milk base- like adding to smoothies, being able to enjoy cereal again, using in recipes to substitute dairy, and even making frozen treats.
I have been using Woodstock USDA Organic Whole Cashews, and they work excellent! I have a membership with Thrive Market, and I get so many great things (like these cashews and so much more) for wholesale prices (25-50% off). If you'd like to check them and their products out, try a free trail membership, or become a member- go to: http://thrv.me/healthcoachkatelynn
What are your thoughts? Have you tried your own homemade Nut Milks?
Enjoy and God bless!