Fruits, Vegetables, and Pesticides

It's well known that a healthy diet requires a lot of fresh fruit and vegetables. However, these seemingly healthy choices may be full of pesticides and other poisons. The U.S. alone uses 1.2 billion pounds of pesticides a year, but only .01% actually reach the intended target- the bugs. The rest ends up contaminating our food, water, and air. Because pesticides end up virtually everywhere instead of staying where they're supposed to, their existence in our environment has been linked to the following health problems:
•Skin, eye, and lung irritation.
•Hormone disruption (which can lead to early onset puberty as well as many other health concerns)
•Brain and nervous system toxicity.
•Cancer. •Blood disorders. •Nerve disorders. •Birth defects. •Negative reproductive effects.
Those who regularly eat pesticide treated foods are at the highest risk of developing health problems, as well as conventional farmers, those who live downstream/downwind of sprayed croplands, and infants and young children (their bodies are still developing). A study done by the National Resource Defense Council showed that children living in areas with heavy pesticide use had strikingly impaired hand-eye coordination, decreased physical stamina, short-term memory impairment, and trouble drawing. Pesticide residue can not be washed away, regardless of how much you wash your fruits and vegetables. Pesticides get incorporated into the body of the fruit/vegetable. The smaller and more thin-skinned the food, the more pesticides it absorbs. Eating USDA certified organic produce is the best way to eliminate harmful effects of pesticides on your health. Food that is grown without chemicals is the healthiest diet you can feed your body, and your family's bodies. Shop locally, and shop USDA Organic! Here are some practices to look for at your next neighborhood Farmers' Market:
* Organic- crops are raised au natural, no nasties involved.
* Balanced Soil- using crop rotation to improve fertility instead of chemicals. *Sustainable Farming- using manure for productivity as an organic fertilizer. *Non-GMO- skip the genetically modified foods!